Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Preschool Halloween Celebration

Since our Preschool doesn't actually have school on Halloween this year, we got to do our Celebration a little early. It is so cute to see what the kids can come up with and how some really get into their character.
Here is Spiderman getting ready to cast his spidey web.

Here is our friendly kitten that looks like she may have found a mouse.
It looks like Robin might be getting ready to head off to help Batman

Our dedicated Blue Power Ranger who is always there to defeat the "Bad Guys"

"Aye Matey" is the logical comment from our school Pirate.

Of course there is our witch (Kameryn)who's hat is just a little too big for her head. (Sometimes I think she is a "little too big for her britches")as the old saying goes.
The whole class full of superheroes ready to save the day and a couple of witches to keep us on our toes. :')

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Cute Halloween pictures. Fun for the kids to have more than one day to dress up.